A friend of mine sent me a mail today with a link to a blog, it was Arindam Chaudhuri’s blog about the movie “Slumdog Millionaire” and the blog label said “Don’t see “Slumdog Millionaire” It sucks!”, when I read the blog I could not believe that a person, an icon like him is so immature and backward.
Here is the link to his blog and after that is the response I posted him as a comment to his blog. Enjoy the masala.
For you I have just one suggestion that "Tell people what you feel/think, don’t make a verdict for others based on your beliefs".
You are a celebrity and people look up to you, you have followers and some of them follow you blindly, so be a sensible and responsible celebrity.
According to Me,
# It’s just a movie, so just chill and don’t get overexcited, didn’t you read in the start of the movie that everything is a fiction !!!
# If this movie alone hurts you that much then where were you when Indian directors made such movies which does not portray India at all. I can’t believe that you are ok with the things shown in “Page 3” and “Fashion” but not Slumdog, don’t have such double standards. Where were you when people made "Love Story 2050" and "Chandni Chowk to China" .... "Slumdog millionaire" at least pays back what we spent.
# You said that this movie is hyped pointlessly, aren’t you also doing the same thing, hyping it unnecessarily.
# And mind you that “slums, open-air lavatories, riots, underworld, prostitution, brothels, child labour, begging, blinding and maiming of kids to make them into ‘better beggars’, petty peddlers, traffic jams” are ALL INDIAN REALITY, come out of your Disneyland and open your eyes to see the real India because I don’t think that you have seen it yet.
# Please don’t create it a national issue, you have all time to say things about Slumdog but I never heard a single word from you on 26/11. People like you just criticize anything to keep them in the limelight but will never make any effort to make this country a better place.
I hope Arindam Chaudhuri is sensible enough to learn from here and realize what he must write from next time.
Yesterday night me, my wife and few friends went to watch "Raaz - The mystery continues" and I went with no huge hopes that movie would be a great because of the reviews and the kind of build up all the movies are getting these days and then turn out to be a waste of money. We went to "Urvashi" theatre and we bought 100/- ticket and sat with the auto driver class crowd, every one was whistling even for the sari ad he he he .... It was great enjoyment after a long time ...... I don’t know why the crowd was so happy, what I felt that 75% of the guys came to see the movie just because of this advertisement.
:-) Yes trust me, I think all the auto driver crowd was waiting for this Raaz to open in the entire movie but they went home with down hopes.
Ok lets talk about the movie, Raaz 2 is that kind of movie which is meant to watch in the theatre only, its the movie which needs your full attention throughout because it has all those abrupt emergences and sound score which will make you fly off your seats, I actually enjoyed the movie in 100/- rupees, for that much money it was worth.
The movie is not so unique but it has somehow has some freshness of its own, the plot is as simple as in any other Indian horror motion picture, someone dies and now he/she is taking vengeance. The part where Emraan Hasmi could draw future is picked up from US TV series “Heroes” in which a character "Isaac Mendes" has a power to draw future. It has a minor theme picked up from Ring 1 and a great scene from Ring 2 with the bulls. Taken as a whole movie is regular and can be watched for 100 bucks but must be watched only in theater or else many scenes will not serve the intention.
The climax is not so good otherwise it could have been a wonderful movie to watch as a whole but I am sure you would enjoy the first half and 1st half of the second half too but the end made it slight not good enough, the paramount thing for the guys is that Kangana Ranaut has not wore anything more then short tops and bum shorts and also this is I think the first movie where Emraan Hashmi did not die and did not kiss the heroine, I m an enormous fan of Emraan Hashmi so I liked him a lot in the movie. The new hero "Adhyayan Suman" son of Shekhar Suman did not look bad but he could be hero in just a B grade movies or movies like this.
You can weigh this movie against "Bhoot", there are few unexpected and sudden appearances and each time anything falls it falls on a DRUM, whenever a thing falls it makes a massive sound :-) If you have some time to kill and you like horror movies you can catch it up in the nearest theater.
I DO NOT agree with Mr. Masand's verdict that its "Waste of Time" because I dint feel it was.
From childhood you must be listening to your parents that you should have faith in god, its a good habit but sincerely speaking I don’t understand it. I mean what is the reason behind it ?? If I pray or not what distinction will it create, I know I must have made many people angry by now but hey that’s a new record that I made people angry within the 3rd line of my Blog.
No seriously, I don’t know why people compel others to do it, I have learned one thing in life that "You must do whatever you want but don’t impose that on others BECAUSE you think its GOOD" Let me ask you "What is the explanation of GOOD or BAD"
GOOD: - Things which you can do, things which you want to do, things which you are allowed to do.
BAD :- Things which you cannot do, things which you don’t want to do, things which you are not allowed to do.
Am I not correct !!! How can you say that intake of Liquor is a terrible habit when entire world except half of India consumes, just because few of us go out of limit does not mean everyone in this world is bad. Only because some of us cannot drink it, some of us don’t want to drink it and some of us are not allowed to drink it, so all those people made a verdict that it’s BAD. C'mon man it could be food for many, just because you can’t do it does not mean it’s immoral.
Oh, I almost diverted to some other topic, so what I was trying to tell is that, I understand why people ask us to have trust in GOD because you get mental harmony but I have never experienced that, I cannot give explanation why for the reason that I don’t know !! Someone get mental peace that doe not mean I also might get it, I might get it at the age of 60, who knows ?? When I want it I will look for it, Simple.
They also say that if you wear slipper in front of god OR if you will say bad things to god OR if you do any un-ethical work "GOD will punish you" !!!!! HOW ???? If God really punishes then why Kasab is still breathing !!! Why all politicians have uppermost class of comfort, I never saw anyone going through any punishment. Punishment is only intended for people like us,
# We get punished by our politicians
# We get punished by Terrorists
# We get punished by our company
# We get punished by our police
# And some of us get punished by our Wives too, Not Mine :-)
And then they say "We only must have done something wrong to get this penalty from GOD !!!!”WAKE UP, YOU ARE NOT 4 yr old anymore.
I am sorry if I have hurt your sentiments directly or indirectly but I had to write it because I had an hour to kill :-)
Yes Boost is the secret of all the energies identified to mankind, we all require boost up to do well, pay and appreciation gives us boost to thrive and do well in our job, all achieved triumph gives us boost to keep aiming for more of it. All of us want boost [Not the drink:-)] every day to stay distressed but it was very heartbreaking to know that people around me are no longer very cheerful. Almost all my friends are suffering from NTFA syndrome.
NTFA Syndrome
NTFA stands for “No Time for Anything” illness, under this sickness a person working in IT industry does not have adequate time to do anything what they want to do in his/her everyday life but that’s what they think.
Me and my wife also work for an IT company and we have all the time for every solitary thing in life, we play games, we cook, we go out even on weekdays, we watch movies on weekdays, in short we have all kinds of fun the entire week and that makes our life very very very unbelievable for us but I think many of us do not know what to do and yes there is a large mass which does not desire to do anything. So this brings us to the categories of NTFA.
NTFA Categories
1. NIWTDIL (No Idea What to Do in Life)
It is a very fundamental level of this disorder, under this stage an IT employee does not know what to do to keep him boosted for next day, he/she does not know what they are passionate about, their life can become happy if they get the right direction OR bad if they disagree with the advice.
2. GMMW (Give Me More Work)
This particular kind of symptom is the most hazardous one. These kinds of people persuade their managers to give them as much as work as possible by showing them that they are bond in the office. They then sob that they don’t have time to do anything else in life.
3. LSB (Lazy Spoiled Brats)
This class is fundamentally lost in their own world, they don’t want to do anything huge in life, they just want to sleep, eat and sleep back, they are least interested in doing any kind of work, they also have same grievance that they don’t get time to do things, reality is that they want to do things in life but they don’t do because of their routine of laziness.
All these stages are curable they just need to be given a slight boost which has to come within you. You are alone in this world, if you have to get motivated then it’s you who will have to give yourself a drive, let’s talk about some therapies to this sickness.
1. Trim down the Sleep – I know and understand that sleeping is very vital and a person must sleep. But just do it for 8 hrs, I am asking to reduce your sleep to those who sleep their weekends out!!!
2. Substitute watching TV to something healthier – Everyone loves watching television, I also love it but in very controlled manner, just think about it for a minute, why do you watch TV?? A very widespread reply would be to lighten up or to kill time, firstly, if you are relaxingby watching TV then why do you say that you don’t find the time to relax :-), secondly if you are killing time that means you have to exploit this time to get quality time for you, lets see what can be done.
But if you are a movie freak then that is totally different because then watching a movie is something which you like doing, it’s just not merely killing time.
3. Do something you are passionate about – This is the thing I was talking about, do something which you always liked, let it be cooking, listening to the music, sketching or even writing stories.
If you start doing something which you are passionate about you would rather get pleasure from that concise moment and your day will become dazzling all of a sudden, ask yourself, have you ever gone to bed pleased after watching TV?? There is nothing pleasing about watching television unlesss it was a great 20-20 cricket match but that again is as similar as to watch a movie.
4. Sleep Early – Sleep early so that you catch about an appropriate sleep of 8 hrs, so that you start brand new for the following day.
5.Make your weekend cheerful– I m sorry for the next statement, I personally hate people who sleep out their whole weekend!! Why?? It’s ok if you had lots of work in the weekdays and now you are catching up that sleep which you missed lately but what about those who had their share of 8 hrs EVEY SINGLE DAY and still sleeping for the entire weekend, these are those who we identified as “LSB”.
You can make your weekend cheerful by some very straightforward things which might never have thought of, you can go out to watch some stage plays, a walk in a garden, visit to a friend’s place, join some hobby classes, basic idea is do something different in everyday life. One important cheat code to this is, if you finish your some of the work on weekdays (Like paying bills) by doing a little more the you will save yourself atleast a half a day extra on weekend.
6. Keep things simple – Many people understand a lot wrong by the word “Weekend”, weekend for some (including me some years before) means 2 days where you will spend lots of cash which will give you delight, I am sorry to say its not that way, you can get pleasure from very basic things, we just don’t give it a try, we just know that eating out and watching movies in the theatre is magnificent and we do that but is it wonderful??? You cannot buy happiness by spending foolishly.
There is a very good song which I like a lot, it’s called Ka-Ching, sung by Shania Twain, and I would like to present its starting lines to you
“We live in a greedy little world--
That teaches every little boy and girl
To earn as much as they can possibly--
Then turn around and
Spend it foolishly
We’ve created us a credit card mess
We spend the money we don’t possess
Our religion is to go and blow it all
So it’s shopping every Sunday at the mall”
Don’t we do that? :-)
What do I DO:-
I consider my life is an incredible saga without being boastful, I don’t know why, it may be because I know what to do in life but most crucial thing is I care about my time, If I have time I can do everything, I do many things to keep me boosted, I write blog, I watch movies, I play guitar, I read comic books, I read newspaper, I listen to the music, I chat and laugh with my friends, I cook, I watch FRIENDS, I even organize a cricket betting, we just play it like a game, it gives me something to look forward to. These are the stuff I do approximately each day. The basic essence is, there always something else other then my work. One basic rule of life is if you keep doing only one thing again and again, you are bound to get bored. Here our work is that thing above which we do not try to think, the moment you will understand this, you will enter in the magical world of satisfied happiness.
You might be thinking where is the time to do all this!!! You have it mate, you just need to look for it little harder :-)
I know few people might have laugh on me after reading this and they would say that he is old and married so he does all this, but their laugh gives me BOOST to do better and Some saint said long back that BOOST is the secret of my energy :-)