Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I am a Complain Boy
1. My company's Bus Policies
My Complaints -
# Why do you still want to charge an employee when he does not use the bus facility.
# If I hold a valid bus pass and I am paying full amount towards the bus service still I cant get on to another bus other then my route, what if I have emergency?
# If employee makes a fault it’s a blunder and he/she has to compensate towards it but when company makes an error, nothing!!
His judgment - Who cares, you just complain about everything, you have problem with everything.
My opinion - I think its ok with my buddy to pay 3000/- or 4000/- as a fine then to fight against the illogical policies and pay just 1000/- but it’s not ok with me because it’s my hard earned money and to get my money back if you have to complain then YOU MUST.
2. Pantry @ My office
My Complain - In summer when I reach office, I don’t find cold water to drink.
His judgment - Who cares, you just complain about everything, you have problem with everything.
My opinion - I think its ok with him to drink any water, he does not care, but I do, it depends on person to person what they need and if you don’t want it that does not mean someone who is asking for it is complaining.
3. People @ My workplace
My Complain -
# Why should I complete the left over work of my colleague every single time and that co-worker take pleasure in working less and going home before time
# Why should I accept a smaller amount of hike in appraisal when I work almost equivalent to what 2 employee do.
His judgment – Who cares, you just complain about everything, you have problem with everything.
My opinion - I think he does not care how his supervisor rates him but I STRONGLY DO because I have not done my manager’s work free of charge; I do a high-quality work so that I can get a good climb in the salary. To battle for your privileges does not imply that you should not complain.
4. My first blog about 26/11 Mumbai attacks
My Complain - Why our Indian administration is not doing anything, why we don’t do anything, terrorists disgusts me.
His judgment – Who cares, you just complain about everything, you have problem with everything.
My opinion - I think its ok with him that so many people died and politicians aren't good for anything because he just knows that he did not die in that assault and none who died was known to him. But it’s intolerable to me because as Mr. Naseeruddin Shah said in the movie "A Wednesday" "No bastard will decide about my life or death by pushing a button". I am not complaining I just want to raise my voice so that it could reach to those bastards who can take measure so that my, your and everyone's life will become less vulnerable.
5. My Second Blog about my Shirdi Yatra
My Complain - Why I should suffer badly in traveling when I have paid sufficient amount what to be paid for a comfortable drive.
His judgment – You just complain about everything, You are a complain Boy.
My opinion - I think its ok with him if he pays 1000/- to travel in Volvo bus and gets to travel in an horrible, 3rd class, stinking bus, may be because he does not care about his money. In my blog I did not complain I just made everyone aware so that all of you should not go through what I suffered, I did complain because what happened with me was not right.
6. My 3rd Blog about the movie Ghajini
My Complain - Why movie theatre is charging twice only for this movie and after even paying that much why can’t director come up with some good movies.
His judgment – You just complain about everything, You are a complain Boy.
My opinion - I think its ok with him to pay 350/- rupees for a movie, I did complain because the movie was not worth that much, is it wrong to complain if you get cheated.
In the conclusion I just can say one thing, I complain for the reason that I care about things, I care about my money, I care about my nation and I care about my work, when I m sincere with my work or in shelling out whatever amount is essential then why cant I get back a genuine outcome or an honest service, because i complain things might become better for you my friend, don’t you throw your maid out when she starts under performing, do you go purchase new laptop when the old one stops functioning within a year. Will you not go to the police station to get your complaint registered if you will get robbed?
This blog is about us, we do that and we get that, Its not that someone just complaint, its one’s perspective, so next time before telling anyone that you criticize think about it because from his opinion he is making things better for you and me :-)
Saturday, December 27, 2008
When I saw "Ghajini"

Yesterday my wife pressurized me too much to see a movie in the hall and alternatives were “Rab ne bana di Jodi” OR “Ghajini” and given that Ghajini was too much puffed up movie I gave it the first choice. We went for 10 pm – 1 am show in vision cinemas, Bangalore.
The movie is about a person who is suffering from amnesia or in more simple words short term memory loss, this person Sanjay Singhania (Aamir Khan) cannot memorize things which are 15 min old. In this illness the patient retains information of every single thing till the day he met with the accident and any new thing he can remember for only 15 minutes or whatever the time period director has determined for him/her. The best movie I saw on this subject matter was “51 first dates”.
I will not talk about the story here because that you can find anywhere on the net but I don’t know where to start about this movie because after I watched it I think I also have a short term memory loss and I don’t remember what happened in the movie. It starts with Aamir khan killing one mobster by doing his activities of reminding himself after every 15 minutes, now why did he killed that mobster and for what reasons please don’t ask me because the director also did not feel it was required, director just wanted Sanjay to stumble on few things which will keep the fairy-tale moving. And there are many more cases like this in the complete movie.
The story is about a man who wants to settle scores with a person named Ghajini who slaughtered his girlfriend and who himself is suffering from temporary memory failure, so to remind himself about everything he writes everything on notepad or tattoo his body so that it could jog his memory to settle the score with Ghajini.
The basic plot is flicked from the English movie “Momento” but when I saw the movie it’s not completely accurate, the movie is the mixture of 33% “Momento” + 33% “Songs” + 34% “Ghulam + Jab we met + any other bollywood movie”, so lets have a discussion about it one by one

The part where he reminds himself of what do after he fails to remember is taken from Momento. When I saw momento I thought it was a very complicated movie and I did not like it but when I saw Ghajini yesterday, I developed a soft corner for Momento and I like it a lot now.
2. Songs
Movie is packed with needless GOOD songs, all the songs are very good, they sound good as well as look good, photography of every single song is overwhelming; the song “Guzarish” has some stupefying sight capturing.
4. Heroines

I personally did not like the movie and it may be because I

have already seen “Momento” which was much much much better than this movie, even if you have not seen “Momento” before tell me 1 good reason to go and watch this movie;
# It lacks the story, The title says "Ghajini", its the villain's character name, Now it wondered me a lot that a character in the movie who is performing the title role gets just 10 minutes in the whole 3 hr marathon movie, about 4 minutes when he kills Asin, 4 minutes when he gets killed by Sanjay (Aamir Khan) and 4 short appearances of 30 seconds each!!!!
# You are millionaire ever after recession and 300/- bucks are nothing for you.
# You have lots of leisure time.
# You have not seen “Momento”
# You are a blind hardcore fan of Aamir Khan, who watched Mangal Pandey also in the theater.
Friday, December 26, 2008
When Sai Baba got angry with me
I am the elder son in the house and I have my one own personal younger brother who I hate to say is more intelligent than me. However this blog is not about me or him or my family, here I have just tried to describe the most dreadful moments of my 3 day trip to Shirdi.
Why I mentioned about my brother in the beginning it was because he is in some way responsible for our screwed up journey. He finished his Engg. recently and as I told you that he is quiet smart which earned him a employment in the company Tech Mahindra at Pune, he was to join there on the 18th of December and my parents decided to visit Pune while he joins to his first job.
I am from Jaipur and I m in Bangalore from last 8 years, I did my Engg from Bangalore and now I am into my job, I am married and partially settled here, My wife was pressurizing me from a very long time for us to pay a visit to Shirdi Sai Baba, so we made a 4 day program originally bu
t since my family was also visiting to Pune almost at the same time, me and my wife decided that why not we make a program to Pune at the same time so that we could meet my parents, we cancelled our original program and scheduled a new 3 day program which could be in sync with my family’s plan.

After the lunch we went to a travel agency to book our trip back to Pune (Lonavala can be reached only via Pune) and we didn’t want any nonsense to be repeated so we asked for VOLVO seater bus tickets and we bought 2 tickets for 400/-, bus was at 2:30, here also we got last 2 seats but since it was sitting we thought it will be just all right.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
What has Indian Government done after 26/11
Have you ever thought, what is the role of Indian government in this whole improvement, What Indian government has done to Pakistan so that Pakistan is so much under pressure that this country has no other go but to be of assistance !!!
Here are some headlines from Times of India Which when we came to know about, we were very happy that at last something is getting done against Terrorism,
# Rice snubs Pak, says it must help nail Mumbai attackers
# US sets stage for Pak strikes
# US leadership has asked Pakistan to ban the Jamaat-ud-Dawa, the renamed political wing of the Lashkar-e-Taiba, immediately and take action against its chief Hafiz Mohammed Saeed. This would count as an immediate “deliverable’’ by Pakistan in the aftermath of the Mumbai attacks
# RICE IN DELHI: its Pakistan’s responsibility to act strongly against “non-state actors’’ (terrorists) who sometimes act in the confines of a state
# RICE IN ISLAMABAD: I found the Pakistani leadership understanding the importance of doing so. Particularly in rooting out terrorists and rounding up whoever perpetrated this attack, from wherever it was perpetrated, whatever its sources, whatever the leads
# Pakistan has agreed to a 48-hour timetable set by India and the US to formulate a plan to take action against the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and to arrest at least three Pakistanis who Indian authorities say are linked to the multiple attacks in Mumbai, a top US daily reported
# US may declare Pak a terror state
# US convinced of Pak role
# US to ask UN for sanctions against Pak terror agents: According to reports, the US will be sending a list of names of prominent Pakistanis for sanctions to add pressure on Pakistan to take action against terror groups
# US lawmakers to Pak - Fight terror or face aid cut
Do you notice something shameful in these headlines, the whole lot is done by US, US is acting like a guardian to India and Indian Govt is like 5 yr old child is just watching the proceedings
Now let’s see what Indian Govt has completed wrt to 26/11
# My personal fav. "Condemn the terror attacks" when someone can’t do anything against something they just condemn it !!
# MPs have resigned !!
# MPs are embarrassing parents of a dead HERO, who died fighting for us.
# Govt asks for 20 Terrorists, Pak Refuses, Indian Govt settles down !!!! Are you kidding me !!
# I can’t think of anything else government has done wrt safety measures - Policies - terrorism etc etc
When our current govt is SO IMPOTENT then why not go for a change !!! All you people who love Congress, I don’t recognize why you are choosing them yet again !!
Please don’t take me wrong, I am not a follower of any party, don’t think that I support BJP because I don’t, I SUPPORT WHO CAN DO SOMETHING GOOD FOR MY COUNTRY. It may be Congress, BJP, XYZ I don’t care
My point is only this much that when existing govt is so afraid to even tell out in public that its all done by Pakistan then why to have such LOOSERS to rule us, why not look out for a change.
When your maid stops working properly don’t you lookout for the change !!!! You lookout for a change because you pay her/him 1000/- per month and you want value for the money, have you ever thought how much are you paying for this govt. as taxes, the Govt. which also does not work !!!! Think About it.
In the end I want you to ask yourself before you abuse more politicians, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TOWARDS 26/11, I have at least written this blog and spread some awareness, I have made people become conscious a bit what’s going on, this might not even add up 0.000000000000001% towards 26/11 but it is better then 0% effort and cry on your destiny
Next time when I will see my face in mirror at least I will be able to face myself :-)